One of the most magical moments, when the nightly mist vanishes, the dew in the gras starts to sparkle and you’ve just enjoyed your first coffee 😉
Pub Crawl :D
Glen Etive
Celebrating 34 years :)
Isle of Mull
Dumblebee on a beauty farm
Even if our camper van has always been gorgeous we decided to make it more beautiful. Faye has been responsible for the design, painting, outside and interior decoration, Andy did the tech stuff and the fabrics. And as in every realtiy show at the beginning: here are the before and after pictures.
Before After
This is the story about the change:
Step one: Clear the environment. So we put everything out of the van and we were quite shocked. So much stuff? How the hell could we live 6 month with two 40l bagpacks?
Step two: erase the water supply. At the first view the existing water supply sounded a good thing, but after 5 weeks we never really used it and it was more disturbing than helpfull. So: bring the shit out.
Step three: All wooden parts of the furniture get white and petrol colours:
Step four: the decoration fabric in the back (so sleeping will get even more fluffy).
Step five: Also the outside got an update.
Last step: all the small pieces, which makes a home a real home.
After two days of swearing, coursing, pain and anticipation of the joy how it will look like, it‘s finally done.
The Ruin (again)
We have been here last year and directly fell in love with The Ruin and the Ardnamurchan peninsular. As we will be here for one week, there won’t be many posts in this time due to missing Wifi or mobile phone connections … there is none of this in The Ruin (only when we visit the reception building up the hill we have Wifi)
Therefore: So long and thanks for the fish 😛
Visiting our plot ;)
Yes, we are very proud owners of a piece of Scottish land, a very very tiny little piece, to be clear … it’s just 1 square meter (or 3 square feet) … very, very, very tiny you see … but it entitles us to be called “Lady and Laird of Glencoe” 🙂
That tiny little plot was a birthday present for Andy (bought via Highland titles, a nature reserve plot) a few years ago, but we both like the feeling to be somehow officially connected to Scotland 😉
Glencoe – one of the most beautiful places on earth!
If we would make up a list of the top 100 places we would advise you to visit (very subjective, of course) Glencoe would be definitely under the top 5 🙂
We have been here for at least 7 times already, but the magic is unbroken! Especially when you keep in mind the tragical history of it, but combine it with such a great weather like today. Kind of bitter-sweet … one could maybe describe it best.
Taking one of the beautiful walks round Glencoe and then enjoying a cold drink at the Claichag Inn is just as good as it can get on such a lovely day 😉
As we decided to go to Scotland again when we were in Malaysia in February, we already booked some inexpensive, but non-refundable accomodation in advance (didn’t know anything about becoming house & pet sitter by then or going to have a camper van).
So here we are, enjoying the typical touristy kind of living … having a warm bed at night in a hotel room, a bathroom just for us alone and a tv! So we did that funny stuff, we haven’t done for such a long time: watching really bad movies with even worse ads inbetween … and to top this experience we ate pizza in bed! What a change to our ‘normal’ kind of living 😀
And of course we did some walks around Inverness and also visited some local pubs and shops and all the other typical touristy stuff!
Magical Loch an Eileen
Did the great 5 km walk around the loch and visited THE tree again ^^ Really a wonderful place and we even could stay overnight at the parking place for free 🙂
And here it is, my book cover tree:
Loch an Eilein, Rothiemurchus PH22 1QT, Vereinigtes Königreich
Best fried eggs with bacon ever!!!
The oldest tree in Europe
Visiting a tree that is about 5000 years old is quite amazing! What this Yew has already encountered, unbelievable … and you will find this wonderful yew in the middle of nowhere (a few miles further on from Aberfeldy). No wonder this is also called the Tree of Life!
Fortingall Yew Tree
2 Kirkton Cottages, Fortingall, Aberfeldy PH15 2LL, Vereinigtes Königreich
Finally: Arriving again in our beloved Scotland!
Enjoying the beautiful Lake District
As we mentioned sometimes before, our World drifting is about locations, encounters and people. Yesterday we had the pleasure to get all three of them. We were in Liverpool, the birthplace of the Beatles. Because of getting hungry we stepped in a restaurant called „Festival Food and Drink Grill‘, an Brasilian one. The menu gave us good choices and we ordered BBQ Ribs for Faye and a double (18 oz) Rumpsteak for me. The delivery was quite quick and the ribs were supersoft and tasty. So with a thrill of anticipation I cut my steak and…. huge disappointing. The steak was totally overcooked, not a joy at all. Even if I don‘t like complaining I had no choice. I called the waiter and told him the steak was unfortunately well done and not medium. The waiter, Marcos, looked at the half cut steak, his eys went sad and he apologized thousands times and immediately offered a new portion. He also asked if we like to keep the current one which I refused (Life is to short to eat overcooked meat). So after another short period of time my new steak came and this time it was grilled perfect. So far so normal, but:
While enjoying our meal Markos came along with 2 cocktails. He offered them to us for free as apology and he said they are especially made for us as they are not listed on the menu. Fantastic cocktail, a mixture between Caipirinha and Maitai, so tasty. We were quite impressed and continued our meal. Suddenly Marcos came again to our table with another portion of BBQ ribs because he didn’t want me to eat alone and he wanted to challenge Faye. Faye was thrilled and she took the 2nd one very brave. After finishing our food we were still impressed about the cocktails so we decided to order a 2nd round, perfect again. The evening passed thru and it was time to pay the bill. After receiving it the next surprise came up. We didn’t have to pay for the cocktails at all (he gave us the second ones also for free) and we even got a 15% discount on our bill (which you only get when you book a special tour).
Finally, we had a lovely meal and drinks for a small amount of money in a very kind environment and we met superfriendly people. Thanks Marcos for this wonderful experience, you will stay in our mind for ever…
The double steak The BBQ rips Markos and Andy, both very happy Goodbye picture
If you ever come across Liverpool take the chance to visit the ‚Festival‘ and say hello to Marcos 🙂
Festival Food & Drink Grill
7 Mathew St, Liverpool L2 6RE, Vereinigtes Königreich
+44 151 236 1962
Liverpool = Klopp
Liverpool = Beatles
Call it freaky :)
Our playlist on spotify when we’re on the road. Take care, it’s really freaky 😉
Good bye Wales!
What a lovely surprise and joy exploring such a beautiful and non touristy country. We also enjoyed our house & pet sitting and having time to sit in the beautiful garden to write or just relax. Now we’re on the road again heading for the Beatles (and also Klopp) city: Liverpool 🙂
Thanks sooo much for everything, Angie & Andy (Jep, got quite confusing with two Andys ^^)

Serendipity – or The Art of Letting Go
About 7 months ago we let go of a lot of things: of our former life, of most of our belongings, our job titles and our safety thinking, we let go of life as we have known it until then. Then we went on our journey and after some time we were used to being bagpackers, owning very little, world drifters as we called it.
Then a new idea came and it was time to let go of the former life again. Now we no longer just owned some bagpacks and stayed overnight in guesthouses or hotels, we bought a camper van and again needed some stuff for this kind of living. So we started to buy some things again, owned a lot more than before. But therefore the safety of having real walls around us, having a bedroom and a bathroom, vanished. Now we started sleeping just somewhere on our way, places that life offered us. Very different places, where we never knew what would happen next, how loud or how cold it would get in the night.
And even if that was not enough change, again a complete letting go of what we used to live before, we also became house & pet sitter. Today we again have some solid walls around us, a bathroom and even a kitchen, but nothing of it belongs to us and we are no paying guests, we take care of it for someone else and even of pets that we don’t own. Again a letting go of what defined us a few days ago …
So we are no longer bagpackers and also no real hardcore campers, but part of our time we live in someone else house and take care of their beloved pets, part of our time we spent in DumbleBee (our van) and part of our time we will also stay in hotels.
So it seems letting go of any kind of labeling – ourselves or our lifes – is what became one of the most important characteristics for us. Our mind likes to label things all the time to give us some kind of safety and control. But as soon as you put a label on something (even yourself), you deminish it, you fix it, make it static and it loses its freedom of being and flowing. It loses its inert energetic fluidity.
Letting go of being a fixed person that’s this way or that way, letting go of being successful or somehow special, letting go of what others may think about you, letting go of knowing anything by sure or at all, letting go of old mental safety programs, letting go of who we think we are every single moment means enjoying real aliveness. Enjoying the openess and specialness of this very second.
The funny thing is, we don’t need all these mental regulations to live our lifes, we don’t need to define who we are (only our busy mind wants to do this), it’s really enough to live what life is presenting you every instant, no matter what it is. Don’t label it and it doesn’t label you 😉
What happens then is: you feel immense aliveness and freedom! Freedom from being a labeled person, encaged in your own mental files. You are allowed to savor every moment in its isness and yourself in your perfect imperfection. Love it, hate it. It doesn’t matter. It just is what it is. A happening in this very moment. Nothing to become, nothing to strive for, no new label you have to become. Just pure aliveness, right now.
What we realized is that when you stop this kind of permanent labeling and always let go of what you thought before might be right or important, the most outstanding things start to happen in your life – that’s “Serendipity”.
If you live this moment openly, not as a defined such-and-such person, there are no things you really need to have or that need to be changed. Life starts to take over … and so much better as you might have imagined it before. Life can now flow freely through you and offer you one serendipity after the other … like it has for us over the last seven months. Much better than we could have imagined. Not always just nice or pleasureable, not at all! But always worth it.
So when we strolled through Bruges a week ago and the word ‘serendipity’ infused my head like a lovely scent and the descision to give my next book this title was just made, we crossed the corner of a small street just to find this shop sign in front of us:
Unbelievable? Or: just another magical happening of serendipity 😉
House & pet sitting in Garden Eden
Yesterday we arrived in Wales and just thought ‘Wow, what an extremely beautiful area!!!’ A little bit like Ireland for us: rolling hills and a lot of green. Amazing that we never came here before and even more amazing is our first house & pet sit here. We really feel like in Garden Eden, paradise couldn’t be more lovely 🙂 But better than any words could describe it, here some pictures:
And these are the lovely pets we have the honour to take care of (and some hens & geese, too): Georgie (a cuddly cat) & Pip (a friendly old lady dog)
The Magic of Avalon (Glastonbury)
Next stop today: Glastonbury Tor, Chalice Well and Glastonbury Abbey 🙂 So we were kind of pilgrims following the Avalon and King Arthur legend. What a beauty, great energies, freaky people and what a gorgeous day!
First: Glastonbury Tor
Then: Chalice Well (a really unbelievable place of peace, tranquility and beauty)
And finally Glastonbury Abbey (just a lot of stones, so it was me alone walking through the Abbey 😉 )
Stonehenge by day & by night
Stonehenge is really quite a funny thing. Some love it, some think of it as a lot of stones standing in a circle. I belong to the first category. Andy to the second 😉
So it was me paying the 23 £ admission and Andy waiting outside with DumbleBee. And yes, I also thought that’s a lot of money to see some stones, but I wanted to see them. On the way to the stones I saw a lot of camper vans standing in a rural road, so I asked the guard at the entry, if it’s allowed to stay there overnight. The really lovely man informed me that it’s allowed to stay at such a road for 3 days (some special English law I’ve forgotten how it’s called) and also told me the exact directions to this special road. So, as so often on our trip, by kind of magical happenings (serendipity 🙂 ) we now knew where to stay this night. I enjoyed the beauty of the stones and afterwards Andy could also glance at Stonehenge as we had an unbelievable view from DumbleBee and there is even a free walk right before the stones (with two small fences between). What a great night and morning coffee with such a view!!!! Only negative subject: it got really awfully cold and damp at night …
The pictures above are from my paid entry. The pictures below are from the rural road next to Stonehenge where we spent the night.
I neeed a shower !!!!
After 2 nights sleeping in DumbleBee and only having a cat’s lick we have chosen a simple Travelodge hotel and both enjoyed loooong showers and a good night’s sleep in a (real) room again. You only honour what you have, when you don’t have it … so right!! I definitely honour a bathroom now more than I did before 😉
Our first 2 nights in Dumblebee
For us Dumblebee is more than a vehicle, it’s our new home. So for sure we will also sleep inside, indeed a complete new experience for us.
The first night was next to Brussels, near the motorway at the end of the village road. We just parked, implemented the mosquito net, pulled down the jalousies and lay down on our brand new matrasses. What a sound, just the birds, the teen bikers, the joggers and the dog walkers. It was awfully hot but anyhow, we felt asleep, woke up thousand times at night, sleeped again.
The waking up in the morning brought us again bikers, joggers and dog walkers but we didn’t care. Some of them greeted us friendly with a ‘Good morning’, which felt quite nice. We used our gas cooker to heat the water for a fresh brewed coffee and enjoyed it.
50°49’47.5″N 4°41’19.0″E
The 2nd night was in England, on the shore side of Hythe, a small village 20 km west of Dover. We chose a small place next to a golf yard, directly at the coastal road and the beach. We thought the traffic will stop at night and we were right. What we didn’t expect was the beach party with 120 db of arabic music and screeming ‚ladies‘. And, complete opposite to the European mainland, it was fu****g cold at night. So lesson learned: with wild camping you really never know that happens next and life is getting even more an adventure than it was before for us 😉
Hythe, Vereinigtes Königreich