Yes, it is possible. Working in another surrounding. No neon light, no central heating, no casino food.
Indeed, it is not that easy to focus on your work if the sea is calling , the sweat is running over your body and you know, there is always a Pina Colada or Caipirinha next door.
As be booked low cost flights for 150 € per person, we didn’t expect much, like flying with kind of Ryan Air, but our 8 1/2 h flight with LEVEL went really good. Nice films, nice flight attendants, not too narrow seats. And no waiting at the immigration as there was no passport control, we are still in France and can pay with Euros, so easy-peasy!
Today in the morning we saw the beach in front of our studio which didn’t smell that nice (kind of cloaca) and there were a lot of algae in the water and at the beach. But as our studio owner told us, the beaches in the Caribbean now very often have severe algae problems due to the climate change and what is being swept here from South America.
So it feels already a little bit like paradise getting lost here same as in Thailand or Bali. The ocean also being hotter than usual, about 30° C. But it’s our first day and we will see how the beaches on Guadeloupe and in the other Caribbean countries will look like and we’ll stay optimistic 😉
After 6 months South East Asia and 3 months Great Britain we are now on our way to Paris. Our flight to Guadeloupe will be on Sunday.
Again it was not easy to say good bye to family and friends. Especially to lovely and generous Doris, who not only gave us a home for the last weeks, but who will also take care that DumbleBee will have a home until we return. Words cannot describe how thankful we are!
We also enjoyed being with our Ohana the last weeks. The boys having grown up that much and being such great characters, each one quite different but that’s even more fascinating. Luckily WhatsApp will keep us all in touch 😉
So, we say bye bye to everyone we have met the last weeks and also to those we couldn’t meet unfortunately and hope that you will all accompany us on our next adventure! Rocking the Caribbean with freaky & weird vibes 😀
We are looking forward to your comments and guestbook entries <3
After 3 weeks being back in Germany, we somehow got used to it again … somehow 😉
After 3 months in GB it felt quite rude at the beginning to be bumped into by unattentive passers-by and only very seldom hearing a kind of ‘sorry’ (never realized that before), also understanding nearly all the conversations from the people on the streets felt quite weird (so much easier to listen to gossip in foreign languages ^^) and buying some food turned out to be more stressful than we remembered (putting all your goods as fast as possible onto the band and then into your shopping bag as the cashier immediately serves the next customer .. OMG what a hurry!). I still believe that I walk maximum half the speed of every one else here on the street 😉
We have enjoyed all the food we dreamt of when being abroad, went to our favorite restaurants again with family and friends. So we are ready and looking forward to experience new cuisine the next months in the Caribbean.
Andy is now officially a ‘digital nomad’ and the officials here had to deal with the fact that someone is willing to pay his taxes, but does not have a home, whether in Germany nor abroad. Quite a strange situation for the bureaucracy here 😀
Andy in business look (just for a day)
So we somehow got used to this kind of living again and somehow still feel like not really belonging to this (but that’s how it felt before, too). We again know for sure – even better than before – that the nomadic lifestyle fits us best. Drifting is still the most wonderful and surprising kind of living for both of us and life shows us every day how amazing it is to trust and let go.
So, our backpacks are washed and ready to be packed again next week. This time for sure even easier than 10 months ago, as we now know better how little one really needs. And as we fly with a cheap airline to Guadeloupe, we saved the costs for checked-in luggage, means it will be hand luggage only, max. 10 kg. Should be enough for some swimwear and T-Shirts 😀
We will start on 25th Oct. from Karlsruhe by train to Paris, enjoy the Parisian flair for 2 nights and fly to Guadeloupe on 27th Oct. We booked our first location for a week, but the further journey is completely open, so many different Islands to be explored. Plans are to soak in the Caribbean sun for the Winter months and then come back to Europe in Spring and have some DumbleBee journeys … but as always life will decide 😉